Protecting Auction Catalogs
Using Safeguard PDF Security to secure auction catalogs
Auctions are businesses that sell more than simply the goods seen or described in the sale rooms. Although the catalogs are usually free, in many cases the auctioneer makes available for sale additional information: items of provenance, documents relating to title – particularly of houses and land, certificates relating to legal compliance and/or fitness, certificates relating to hire purchase or absence of debt. This information is often updated as the sale date nears.
As these PDF documents form part of the income of the auction, as well as part of the exclusivity, they need to be protected so that they cannot be given away or altered/falsified by the recipient. This latter point can be very important if it becomes necessary to show what disclosures were made, regardless of Limitations clauses in contracts.
Locklizard DRM products are well positioned to meet these requirements. Additional PDF documents can be set up as ‘publications’ so that any customer buying that publication can automatically use all the PDF documents that are available, and if any additional PDF documents or update PDF documents become available they can immediately use them without the auction house having to do anything (except tell them the update is available).
Further, protected PDF documents can ‘expire’, either because they have been replaced or because they have a fixed life (say six months after the auction). And the recipients are not able to change the content of a protected document – any attempt to change the content results in its being unusable – so any attempt at fraud is tamper evident.