vitrium protectedpdf competitors

Vitrium Security vs Safeguard

Vitrium Systems ProtectedPDF Competitors – Safeguard PDF Security

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“Fantastic product… outstanding support.”

“We would recommend Locklizard to others”

“The clear leader for PDF DRM protection”

“Our ebook sales have gone through the roof”

“Simple & secure – protects IPR from theft”

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  Vitrium Security: Enterprise Content Security & PDF Document DRM Software

Vitrium Security

Vitrium Security (formerly Vitrium ProtectedPDF) is a document DRM system that uses either a browser or Adobe Acrobat / Foxit Reader with JavaScript enabled to control access and use of PDF documents.

If you enforce users to use a PDF security solution that uses JavaScript then you might want to consider the legal implications very carefully.  Adobe recommend that you disable JavaScript in Adobe Reader due to the fact that it is unsafe – it is regularly used by hackers to gain access to computers.  Other major security companies also recommend you disable JavaScript in PDF Readers.  More information on these vulnerabilities can be found at PDF security issues.

Vitrium Secure Document Viewers

  • Protected PDF files can be opened in a browser.  Users login with a username and password.
  • ProtectedPDF files can be opened in Adobe Acrobat (Windows & Mac) but users have to enable JavaScript to view them.
  • There are no dedicated mobile Viewers (iOS & Android) – you have to use a browser to open protectedPDF files.  Browser enviroments are inherently slow and are not suited to devices that have limited memory available.
  • Users must connect to the Internet at least once to view protected documents.

Vitrium Security & ProtectedPDF costs

  1. With Vitrium document security you pay for the number of users viewing your documents so costs can quickly add up.
  2. You are locked into paying yearly subscription fees – $6000 a year for Professional edition (500 users, 5GB storage space).

Vitrium Security Issues

  1. If you want users to open protected PDF files in Adobe Acrobat then JavaScript must be enabled – see PDF security issues.
  2. In third-party PDF Readers such as Foxit Reader, users have to disable Safe Reading Mode so that JavaScript can run.
  3. Users have to disable Adobe’s global object security policy.  Adobe recommend you enable this to stop applications accessing information that has been saved across sessions which could contain sensitive user information.
  4. You have to upload unprotected documents to Vitrium’s server where they are not under your control (and could therefore be compromised).  They are then protected online (Javascript is embedded into them) and you can then download the protected files.
  5. Does not stop screen grabbing of your protected documents.
  6. Diagonal watermarks become invisible if users click on them in download PDF files.
  7. If printing is allowed then users can print protected PDF documents to unprotected PDF files.
  8. Device locking relies on Acrobat cookies.  A user can therefore get around this by using Foxit Reader to open protectedPDF files.  If you cannot lock document use to devices then they can be shared with others.
  9. User login information for browser access can be shared with others.

Safeguard vs Vitrium Security ProtectedPDF document DRM & PDF DRM

Locklizard provides many security and cost advantages over Vitrium Security for document protection

  • No uploading of unprotected documents to the cloud

    We don’t make you upload unprotected documents to a web server where they could be easily compromised.

    With Safeguard you protect PDF files on your local computer so unprotected documents always remain under your control.

  • No Login credentials for users to share

    Our installed viewers do not require users to login, so there is no login info for users to share with others.

    When a user clicks on a link to activate their license, their user account (and therefore document access) is automatically locked to their device.

  • No Insecure Javascript

    Enforcing users to use JavaScript may leave you legally exposed.

    All major security companies and Adobe recommend you disable JavaScript due to the fact it can put users computer systems at risk.  More information on these vulnerabilities can be found at PDF security issues.

  • Prevent Printing to File Drivers

    Safeguard PDF Security automatically prevents users printing to file drivers (such as PDF file drivers) so your protected documents cannot be easily turned into unprotected PDF files.

  • Screen Grabber Protection

    Our screen grabber protection prevents users using third party screen grabbing tools even from remote connections so you can prevent high quality screen grabs from being taken and shared with others.

  • Device Locking

    We don’t rely on cookies or other insecure methods that can be easily circumvented.

    Unique device information is securely stored on a server so that it cannot be removed or altered and can be checked at any stage.

  • Country locking

    Our country locking (allow or prevent your documents from being opened in specific countries) does not leave you having to figure out what country a user is located in.  Safeguard automatically picks up the user’s country location when they activate their license (and will automatically lock use to that location) so you don’t have to enter this.

    You can apply country locking at both the global and user level so you can stop all company employees from accessing documents from unauthorized countries but enable a specific user to do so if they are travelling on business.

  • Flexible Watermarks

    With Safeguard PDF Security you can have:

    • different print and view watermarks
    • custom positioning, display on top or below of content, and transparency (opacity)
    • both text and image watermarks
    • choice of user and system variables that are replaced with user and system data when the PDF document is viewed and/or printed
  • Total Offline Solutions

    All of our installed Viewers can operate in offline mode with full security – there are no compromises.

    Users can use our offline zero installation USB solution (documents viewed directly from USB sticks) without users ever having to connect to the Internet.

    USB sticks can be pre-loaded with a Viewer, documents, and keystore for total offline viewing.

    Documents are locked to the USB stick so they cannot be copied to other USB sticks or devices.

  • Extras

    You don’t have to purchase our Enterprise PDF Security solution to integrate our add-ons such as ecommerce integration (automatically add users and assign document access) and command line batch protection (automatically batch protect PDF files).

    Our Enterprise PDF DRM product enables you to allocate sub-administrators with different access levels.

    Our Web Viewer works consistently across all the major browsers.

    Strong security – AES encryption regardless of the Viewer used and device locking to ensure documents are not shared.

  • Cost Savings

    With Safeguard document security you can cut costs significantly with:

    • No subscription charges for perpetual licenses – just a one-time fee and a small yearly hosting charge if you use our servers to host your Safeguard Administration System.
    • One-time fee for own server licenses.  Pay just the once and host the system on your own server.

Vitrium Systems ProtectedPDF vs Locklizard Safeguard PDF Security

Locklizard takes your document security seriously.  Sell or share PDF files securely without insecure passwords or plug-ins, or JavaScript and enforce access, location, expiry, and usage controls.  Our DRM technology ensures your PDF files remain safe no matter where they reside with US Gov Strength encryption, licensing, and DRM controls.  Document content is decrypted in memory and no temporary files are used.

Read our customer testimonials to see why companies choose Safeguard over Vitrium Security and why publishers have moved from ProtectedPDF to Locklizard PDF Security (cost, product reliability, and outstanding support are just some of the reasons).

If you are looking for Vitrium Security and ProtectedPDF alternatives then try our free 15 day Trial.

Vitrium ProtectedPDF competitor analysis vs Safeguard Feature Comparison

Want to see Vitrium Protectedpdf and Safeguard features in more detail?  Then checkout the Protectedpdf vs Safeguard competitor comparison chart.

See why hundreds of happy customers choose Safeguard PDF DRM Security over Vitrium Security Protectedpdf.

Customer Testimonials