elearning security

Elearning security

E Learning Security – secure elearning courses from piracy & sharing

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“Fantastic product… outstanding support.”

“We would recommend Locklizard to others”

“The clear leader for PDF DRM protection”

“Our ebook sales have gone through the roof”

“Simple & secure – protects IPR from theft”

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Why Locklizard to secure e-learning courses?

Locklizard protects your elearning courses from piracy: stop copying, protect your IPR & revenue

  • Control course Access

    Control the devices and locations your elearning courses can be accessed from.

    • Training courses are automatically locked to authorized user devices so that they cannot be shared with others – if a protected course is copied to another device it will not open
    • Optionally lock use to locations (e.g. a physical training location) to prevent use on BYOD outside authorized locations – if a protected course is accessed outside an authorized location it will not open

    • Control the number of devices your training courses can be used on – let users access protected courses from a single or multiple devices
  • Control how course content is used

    DRM controls ensure your course content remains tightly under your control at all times.

    • Stop screen grabbing (even from remote connections)
    • Stop printing, allow printing, or limit the number of prints

    • Expire training courses after a number of days use, views, prints, or on a fixed date

      By using expiry you can be certain only the latest course content can be accessed.  Training courses can be set to expire at different times for different users by changing access dates on the Safeguard Administration system.

    • Revoke training courses and/or user access instantly regardless of location
  • Simple access management with Publications

    When you protect training courses, you can decide to give access to all authorized users, specific users, or those with access to publications (e.g. a complete training course or set of courses).

    By using publications you can add new content to existing training courses without having to assign access to individual users each time – if a user has been given access to a publication they can view any new content you publish to that publication automatically.

    You can also use publicatons to bundle together multiple training courses to simplify assigning user access.

  • Dynamic Watermarks to identify users

    If you want to allow screen grabbing and printing then you can add dynamic watermarks to training course content.

    When courses are viewed and printed, user and system information is dynamically inserted which identify the user (name, email,etc.), and shows the date/time, etc.

    You only have to protect a training course once for all users rather than having to protect training courses individually for each user in order to display unique user information.

  • Track Use & see how often courses are being used

    Track views and prints to see what courses users are actively using.

    See when courses were opened, who viewed them, on what devices and from where.

    See how often they are being used and instantly revoke access if you think they are being misused.

  • Automate course access

    Ecommerce integration allows for full automation between your web sales process (payment system) and the issuing of licenses and access to courses.

    Instead of having to manually enter user details into the administration system (user name, email address, protected courses they are entitled to view, etc.), the ecommerce module allows these details to be sent automatically from your ecommerce system to the Locklizard administration system, so no manual input is required.  Users therefore do not experience any unnecessary delay in receiving their license codes, and can view your protected elearning courses as soon as they have paid.

  • LMS Integration

    A key component of an LMS is the ability to provide coherent groups of documents to fully support the customer.  Locklizard integrates with this requirement, providing a LMS security system that allows the trainer to group together a series of protected documents as a single course, and deliver the authorization to them as a single step.  This allows Learning Management System users a simple and effective delivery of their offerings to their customers in a secure manner.

    Locklizard protected PDF files integrate into any LMS system just like any other file.  You can also provide download links to the Secure PDF Viewer software and to users own license details in their own learning portal.

  • Secure Distribution

    Unprotected content always remains under your control.

    • Secure training courses on your local computer – no uploading of unprotected files to the cloud where they could be compromised
    • Distribute protected training courses just like any other file – upload them to the cloud, your web site, send by email or distribute on CD, USB, etc.

  • Simple to use

    Our training course copy protection software is simple to use – secure courses by right clicking on PDF files in Windows File Explorer.

    The choose your copy protection options from Safeguard’s tabbed dialog.

    Manage users and document access from a web portal and delegate admin duties to multiple administrators.

  • Zero installation Viewers

    If you don’t want users to have to install a Viewer then you can publish training courses securely for use with our zero installation Viewers:

  • No Passwords

    There are no passwords or codes for users to enter.  Why you should not password protect PDF files.

    Keys are transparently and securely transferred to authorized devices and locked to those devices so they cannot be shared.

  • Cost Savings

    Our yearly, perpetual or own-hosting licenses can save you thousands when compared to competitors.

    See pricing information.

Locklizard takes protection of your e-learning courses seriously.  Sell courses securely without insecure passwords or plug-ins, and enforce access, location, expiry, and usage controls.  Our DRM technology ensures your elearning content remains safe no matter where it resides with US Gov Strength encryption, licensing, and DRM controls.  Course content is decrypted in memory and no temporary files are used.

Guide to Elearning security – securing e-learning courses

What is elearning security?

Elearning security is the security that is applied to materials that comprise study notes, references, demonstrations, and similar that together make up one or more courses in education or in training.

It is not for this article to debate what is learning or education or training.  Those are semantic debates for the cognoscenti.  But the security that we are talking about is the protection of the underlying materials that are used for these purposes in order to prevent the piracy of them.

Whilst in education there is a very serious requirement to make information freely available to all, there is also the counterpoint that there are occasions where the personal knowledge of the lecturer belongs to them (an insight, an analysis, precursors to as yet unpublished work that may be significant for their careers) and that information has to be both published and protected all at the same time.

So e-learning security seems to require that some information is public and remains public, whilst other information is actually private, and requires controls to be applied to it.

One example of elearning security would be the need to be able to provide protection to some of the information (that represents the specific expertise of the lecturer) whilst making the publicly available information publicly accessible.  So the course notes of a lecturer would need to be privilege whilst the references to work that is publicly available should not be protected.

Any mechanism that is providing elearning security needs to be able to honor both regimes at the same time.  If it does not, then it would be in violation with internationally accepted legal principles.  So if a control system is not flexible enough to be able to protect only the correct portions of the information then it is not adequate for the purpose.

Using Safeguard PDF Security publishers of electronic training materials can protect their intellectual property published in the PDF format from being shared or pirated.  Courses can be made available for a specific length of time or number of uses, and the number of prints can be limited or prevented altogether.  Publishers can price their courses according to the functionality enabled or limitations imposed, offering more attractive options to customers.  Better still, updates can be delivered instantly over the web without fear of them getting into the wrong hands.

While DRM has been seen as a negative addition in the music and video industries, DRM in the online training industry has been welcomed with open arms by many users.  The reasoning behind this is that when you are paying upwards of $1000 for a course, you do not want to see others bidding $5 for it on auction sites.

For the publisher, the protection of elearning courses provides a significant increase in their bottom line and the opening of new revenue streams, whilst at the same time benefiting from reduced costs in terms of overheads and distribution.

   Download elearning security software

Secure elearning courses from sharing, piracy & theft with Locklizard DRM security software

Download elearning security software that prevents unauthorized use and misuse of your elearning courses published in PDF format.

Control who can view your elearning courses, what they can do with them (copy, print, etc.), where they can be used, and when they can no longer be viewed (expire).

Locklizard elearning security can be easily integrated into your elearning content management system – protected PDF files integrate into any LMS system just like any other file.  Group together a series of protected documents as a single course, and deliver the authorization to them as a single step.

See our customer testimonials or read our case studies to see why thousands of organizations use Locklizard PDF security to secure their elearning courses from sharing, piracy & theft.

Customer Testimonials