Protect Revenue Generating Content
Stop Theft / Piracy of Revenue Generating Documents.
How different industries use DRM to protect against revenue loss by stopping piracy, sharing and theft of commercially sold documents.
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How different industries use DRM to protect against revenue loss by stopping piracy, sharing and theft of commercially sold documents.
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When elearning courses are delivered or sold outside a controlled classroom environment you need a secure DRM system in place to protect online courses and course content from theft, unauthorized sharing and distribution.
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Are security certifications and systems redundancy all they cracked up to be? Quality standards may tell you about the process but not about the implementation and updates will render previous certifications invalid.
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Protection of training courses/educational materials is vitally important as teachers/instructors move to remote learning environments and digital distribution. DRM protection can help protect IPR from piracy. Read more
The coronavirus, similar future outbreaks and even climate change will change the way society works, with more reliance on remote working. This makes protecting your documents critical, ensuring they are not exposed to leakage and theft. Read more