How to sanitize, optimize, compress & secure PDF files
Why & how to remove PDF metadata, JavaScript, & hidden information.
How to use PDF sanitization, optimization, and compression options, to reduce file size, increase performance and security.
How to use PDF sanitization, optimization, and compression options, to reduce file size, increase performance and security.
Why Google Docs’ in-built security cannot prevent editing, copying, and sharing & what you can use to protect documents instead.
Amazon has been removing independent authors’ books from its platform and KDP Select program. The reason? A breach of its exclusivity terms caused by distribution on ebook piracy sites despite publishers using Kindle DRM.
Using Adobe Experience Manager or Adobe Document Cloud to secure sensitive or confidential documents could be a bad idea. Here’s why, and what you can do about it.
Why password protection & certificates fail to protect PDFs, plus the best practices & tools to permanently prevent PDF sharing, copying, editing, and printing.